Case Management

Using the ORS Case Management Module, users can easily create Goals for clients and evaluate their progress over time. Simply select the individual you want to evaluate, and measure their success using the predefined outcomes that are already setup in the system. ORS makes Case Management effortless.

"Quickly and easily evaluate the progress of your clients over a period of time."

The ORS outcome reports that you can generate can also be used to effectively communicate your organization’s outcome results to the Community, Funding Sources and other organizations, as you desire.

"The ORS Dictionary comes with over 500 predefined human service problems and needs, which eliminates countless hours of setup time."

ORS Dictionary
The ORS Dictionary of Goal Definitions, Achievement Indicators and Outcome Measures represents a well developed language for determining outcome results. Organizations, agencies or programs can easily customize the over 500 pre-defined human service problems and needs by changing, adding or deleting entries to meet your organizations specific requirements for goal descriptions, goal objectives, goal evaluations and notes. This ability assures that you can configure the Outcome Results System to match your Organization’s, Agency’s or Program’s existing business model.

Group Goals
We will help you create Client Assessments & Evaluations using the Group Goal Processing feature. This provides the ability to select individual Goals and Objectives and display only the group you selected during the new Group Goal Evaluation (Assessment) Processing. Create your own assessment or evaluation format Head Start Curriculum Evaluation Criteria or other specialty evaluations to measure Outcome Results quickly!